Published on June 24, 2004 By longhornbear In Cats
finally got the strength to go to our animal shelter downtown to pick out a kitty cat with my partner Wayne, i told him he could choose the one he wanted, we got approved, actually had to lie we didnt have another cat, her papers arent current but are now, we got in there to pick one out and i couldnt help myself and found a cute shorthair black and white male named Ted, he looks like a skunk reversed, black stripe down his back, white legs, except for black spots on his front legs, very cute and adorable
we got him at 6 weeks and he is getting bigger, his ears are huge and so are his paws, our other cat Amanda is pi$$ed! she wont go near him and she screams and hisses, she is a pretty 7 year old calico cat

Bo is biting and scratching a lot now, would like him to learn to not bite when he plays, i have tried biting him back but he bites me harder, i yell "NO!" when he bites, maybe that will help, i will post some pics of him when i learn how to!Email

on Jun 24, 2004
Get a "clicker" (they are a simple device that makes a load click when pushed) and click it near his ear when he does something bad.  Dogs and cats seem to hate that noise.  You can buy them at petsmart and places like that in the "training" areas.
on Jun 24, 2004
thanks! i will do that, i can see that working!
on Jun 24, 2004
Well, if you don't mind hitting your animals...just grab him by the scruff of the neck and smack him a bit (It doesn't hurt them a whole lot)...that should solve your problem quickly...and you should not let him run away either after you smack him...just keep holding him and eventually there will be some obedience worked with my cats....hehe...

Hope that helps...remember not to smack it senselessly...just enough to get the point across...
on Aug 13, 2006
Do you know a site on-line to download Boxxi?